me creepily devouring a macaron.

E does not stand for Crack Whore


E stands for Edie, beautiful and pure.

Qu'est-ce qu'il porte?

Il porte...

  • le chapeau blanc au papier
  • la veste rouge et bleue avec les broderies dorées et les boutons blancs, fait en laine
  • une ceinture en or avec des bijoux (fait de les saphirs, diamants et rubis)
  • le pantalon fait en soie chinoise avec un petit motif. C'est aussi les boutons en or et des plis
  • les bottes marrons avec un peu de jaune. 

 C'est un petit dessin pour français. Je suis un peu ennuyé... mais je dois aller maintenant et faire mes devoirs, wah. :( :(

School's out, scream and shout.

 Here are some polaroids of my life. School has ended and now I get to go on holidays. So that involves a lot of picnics and parties. I started a bit early though, during my exams. Oh well.

I'm trying to get a selection of lineart together so that I can start screen printing on things. I'm really excited, my very talented (and beautiful) friends Zac and Edie are going to do it with me. It shall be wonderful. This one is a little funny, but oh well.

(DE) Ich sammle Lineart, weil ich Siebdrucken will. Ich freue mich sehr darauf, weil meine begabten Freuden Zac und Edie mit mir es machen werden. Es sollte wirklich wunderbar sein. Diese Lineart ist ein bisschen komisch, nun ja.

Alles gut zum Geburgstag


This is a birthday card I made for my friend, she is wonderful.


I just got a roll of quite old film back and here are photos that I didn't put on my flickr, but that I nevertheless like... (due to sentiment or aesthetic merit).

Best cure to a hangover: cigarettes and fresh juice on a roof. If this fails get drunk before noon.
I don't like the glare on the floor, and my feet look hideous. But such warm colours!

This is possibly one of the worst pictures of all time but it has a story to it. In the holidays my family went away so I spend a lot of time with my friends and we practically lived together for weeks. This is us having breakfast together at my friend's house, it was awesome everyone just rocked up and we had a fried feast.

I have so many pictures of this cat on my film, it's not funny. Don't get high around gloriously cute cats. Anyway, this was a wonderful day of art where I made this and hung out with my dearest friends.

This is the process that occurred before Mr. Kitty's photo-shoot.

A lovely tea party we had to celebrate my friend's birthday. Such fond memories!